General Business

How to Establish Proper Alignment with Your Customers

How to Establish Proper Alignment with Your Customers/Patients Dr. Paul J. Pavlik, September 16, 2020 Your value propositions have no meaning until they align with your buyers’ objectives, priorities, and criteria. Understand that every business owner is always interested in improving the company’s bottom line, but every owner is not necessarily interested in receiving a …

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The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule: Why is Good Customer Service the Right Thing to Do? Dr. Paul J. Pavlik, August 12, 2020 Company owners often get hung up with their profitability numbers; it would seem irrational to think otherwise. If you run or plan on running a business, customer service, however, should be one of your main …

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Employee vs. Independent Contractor – Be Very Careful

Employee vs. Independent Contractor Status Be Very Careful Introduction Definitions: An employee is a person who is hired for a wage, salary, fee or payment to perform work for an employer. Generally, the employer must withhold income taxes, withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, and pay unemployment tax on wages paid to an employee. …

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